Life of Vincent Subasinghe

Vincent Subasinghe

Vincent Subasinghe was born in Sandalankawa on 29th March, 1906 as the eldest son of the Subasinghe family and he had two younger brothers and two younger sisters. He received his foundational education at Hendiyagala Village School. His pursuit of knowledge continued at St. Mary's College in Negombo and Ananda College in Colombo. His early association of great leaders of Sri Lankan renaissance movement in the calibre of Piyadasa Sirisena, Arthur V Dias and Pandith Batuwantudawa greatly influenced his world view. Vincent Subasinghe was also able to work closely with Sri Lankan national leaders such as P De S Kularatne, D S Senanayake, S W R D Bandaranayake, Sirimavo Bandaranayake and TB Ilangaratne. He regularly sought advice from Venerable Heenatiyana Hemaloka Thero and Ven. Kalukondiyaye Panyasekera Thero. Even if Vincent Subasinghe carried out nationally important and internationally known development work, he spent most of the time of his life in his home town of Sandalankawa. Vincent Subasinghe died, at the age of 80, on 24th of August 1985 at Sandalankawa Cooperative Hospital which he himself built in 1952.

Vincent Subasinghe is highly admired by all cross sections of the society from the head of state to rural masses in Sri Lanka not just because of his contribution to the socio-economic development of the country but he is an ideal model for philanthropy, social work and humanity even at the individual level. Vincent Subasinghe never used his social power, reputation or influence for his personal gains but he utilized them for the betterment of the people he worked for. In fact, he used his personal comfort, family wealth and other resources for the public work at his own individual cost by leading a very humble and a simple life. He never wanted to get the glory for the work he did voluntarily. He stayed away from the limelight of all sorts of media and emphasised that no institutions and ventures he built should be named under him. He rejected all the rewards, awards and titles offered to him by the government and its leaders.

It is well known that he did not accept the ambassadorship to USSR offered by the Prime Minister S W R D Bandaranayake in 1957 as a way of recognizing the excellent service rendered by Vincent Subasinghe in improving USSR and Sri Lanka relations. Mr. Bandaranayake was a close friend and a political hero of Vincent Subasinghe and when the Prime Minister was assassinated in 1958, Vincent Subasinghe was devastated according to his biography.

Another good instance to demonstrate the humbleness of Vincent Subasinghe is when he was conferred the title “Sridahra” as the first Sri Lankan in 1957 for his yamen service for the social progress of the country. He has accepted the honour as it was as a people’s award. However, during his lifetime he never used it and he preferred to be called as “Vincent Subasinghe of Sandalankawa”.

Vincent Subasinghe’s futuristic thinking and benevolent actions can inspire social entrepreneurs and patriots even today and generations to come.


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Contact Details

Sridhara Vincent Subasinghe Memorial Foundation

Address: No. 873, Hendiyagala, Sandalankawa.

Phone: +94 77 370 3344 / +94 71 685 6355 / +94 76 724 0225
